The Perpetual Dance
In nature, both destruction and creation are complementary. They are two steps---like day and night. All opposite values in nature, they all dance together. It has been that way since the beginning. It'll continue 'til the end.
Many problems have come, many problems have been solved, and each problem has enriched life in some way, has brought up some strength in you.
"Behind every activity, pleasant, unpleasant, chaotic, harmonious, is one Divinity.". . . SRI SRI...
Looking Ahead
Where will we be in 5,000 years? What is going to happen in 5,000 years? Have a bigger plan! In 10,000 years, what is going to happen? Where will you be?
Deep Down:
Deep down you are wonderful. Never think, Deep down I have all these anxieties.
"The circumference is the Devotee, the centre is the Divine- a centre is no centre without the circumference.". . . SRI SRI...
Spreading Around
You sit and think; you sit and feel. Do you think that feeling just remains with you? It reaches far beyond this universe. Your intentions, your feelings get spread much faster than the radiation. It is spread all over this globe and far, far beyond.
"Creation is anxious to fulfill your desire, when you become hollow and empty.". . . SRI SRI..
Nectar and Poison
In every breath there is Divine nectar. There is nectar that flows out of it. Or poison can flow.
The Foundation of Knowledge
Knowledge is possible only when you come close. From a distance, and in a formal atmosphere, knowledge cannot blossom...Being together is the foundation of knowledge.
"Tree is beautiful because it has old roots and new branches. You need a combination of all.". . . SRI SRI...
This entire creation is rejoicing in you. Because, it is a play, it is a game. It's not a serious something that is judged and punished.
Feel Oneness
When you feel so much oneness with the Master that you don't feel, The Master is separate, I am separate; the Divine is separate, I am separate, that is Divine Love.
Many seek pleasure in this and that,but the wise man just smiles.... The real rest is in knowledge........... Sri Sri
"The very nature of the highest joy is to share, it is to bring to everybody.". . . SRI SRI...
Every pain that you undergo in this process is for the higher growth. A seed has pain to sprout, and a sprout has pain to become bigger.
Self Study
By self-study, by observing, by being hollow and empty, you become a channel---you become a part of the Divine. You are able to feel the presence of the Divinity. All the different angels and devas, all these different forms of our consciousness, start blossoming.
"Intelligence means not only experience other's sadness but also other's joy. It is where your system is free from jealousy.". . . SRI SRI...
No Going Back
For every step, the previous phase has to be disolved. One phase disolves to give space for another, and it is always evolutionary. So there is no reverting back, no reversing---it is evolutionary. It can stop for a while, but then it continues.
Surrender and Freedom
There is no freedom at all without surrender, and when I surrender I get infinite freedom. The greater my surrender is, the greater my freedom, that much the load is taken off of me.
Look Inside Another
You may not like somebody's action, what they do, but look into that Divine love that is deep inside them.
Free Coupon!
If we really look through the eyes of wisdom, there is not a bit in this creation that is devoid of pain. Pain is the tail of everything in the world. It comes along with anything---you take it, you get a free coupon: you get pain.
"When intelligence and innocence go together, a beauty dawns.". . . SRI SRI...
Action vs. Intention
It's not the action; it is the state of your Being, the intention deep inside from which you act, that makes a difference.
Arresting the mind
A true guru is not interested in making followers, but he is concerned for the growth of the person. All his concern is for how well this mind, this flirting mind, could be arrested and established in its source, this mind which is so blind, seeking here and there, here and there, could be put into itself and be made to open its eye to itself.
"let go of each moment as it passes, forgive others, but especially yourself. let go of all judgements and blames and learn to perceive and honour the divine that dwells in others as well as yourself".......
"Be filled with love, be filled with gratitude, get rid of the fear in you by being in love.". . . SRI SRI...
Sound and Silence
When you listen, listen to something more. Not just to the sound, but to the silence, too.
"The spiritual strength of knowledge makes you innovative, creative... your skills blossom.". . . SRI SRI...
Whether you agree with me or disagree with me, what does it matter to what is? What is, is
Dear to God
God is all over. God is in the stone. God is in the flowers. God is in the garbage can. God is all over, but devotee is not all over. So God runs behind His devotees. To God, devotees are very dear, so dear.
You can never feel jealous about yourself, can you? When something is not you, you feel jealous.
Heart and Head
When heart speaks and heart listens, harmony is produced. It is always so. When head talks and head listens, argument is produced.
Head and Heart-1
Use your brain, it's necessary. Use your brain. I'm not saying shut off your brain and only live in the heart all the time, no. It has its function. But it is possible that we have shut off functioning from the heart and we are stuck in the head---that is another extreme.
Power of Surrender
The greatest power is in surrender---surrender to the Divine.
Listen from Your Heart
We have this ability, but we have forgotten to listen from our heart. That is why we are tense and worried and dull and dry---we feel dry in life. The joy comes when we can listen from our heart.
Heart and Intellect
Listen from your heart. Soak into it. Observe. That is your home. And your brain, your intellect is like a car; it's the motor that drives you there. But even after getting into your garage, if you refuse to step out of your car, you will never enjoy your home.
The Experiencer
Self is not object of senses. Self is the experiencer of the object of senses.
Recognize the Divinity
When you move in the world, recognize the Divinity in things around you, in people around you. Listen with your heart.
Multi-Dimensional Growth
If you are just enthusiasm, it can be directed in anything, anywhere, all directions. That is how multi-dimensional growth happens within you. Fullness of consciousness blossoms in all aspects.
Go Ahead!
There is a song deep inside you. You are born to sing a song and you are preparing. You are moving around in the stage with your dresses, but you are forgetting to sing---holding the mike, too, but you are keeping silent. 'Til that time, you'll be restless---until you can sing that song which you have come on the stage to sing. Doesn't matter if you feel a little out of tune for one minute or two. Go ahead. Sing.
Anger is about the past
Anger is meaningless, because it is always about something that has already passed.
Self Study
By self-study, by observing, by being hollow and empty, you become a channel---you become a part of the Divine. You are able to feel the presence of the Divinity. All the different angels and devas, all these different forms of our consciousness, start blossoming.
Birds' Song
Have you ever observed birds singing and felt this is something so eternal---it's the Divine who is singing through these birds?
I'm not saying, "Don't be active." I'm saying, observe the spontaneity of action.
The Enemy of Love
Worry is enemy of love. You cannot be in love and be worried at the same time.
Life is a Vast Ocean
Observe that there is something much more than your "doership." It is like a vast ocean. Life is not just in your body. It is between you and me and everybody else.
Prayer means not just sitting and saying so many words, but being in that serene, calm space, meditative state.
Not the Body
The life of a fish is in the water, not in the body.
Just singing is not sufficient. One can just go on singing. But in between the songs, a few moments of silence, of depth, of experiencing the bliss of the infinite---that is very essential.
You cannot separate the wave from the ocean
Getting Baked
Everything is changing. And this is all there only to heat you up, to bake you. You are baked in joy, and you are baked in sorrow. You are baked in this event, and you are baked in that event. So everything in the world bakes you, heats you up. And if you put your finger deeper into it, you will get burned. So move lightly.
"Celebrate Life. Care for others and share whatever you have with those less fortunate than you. Broaden your vision, for the whole world belongs to you.". . . SRI SRI...
Floating in the Ocean
We are all floating bodies, like shells in the ocean of life.
No Harsh Word
Do not speak any harsh word. Let not any harsh word come out of your mouth to anyone, for the Divine dwells in every heart. Do not hurt with your words, for the Divine dwells in every heart.
well... any point in holding grudges to yourself?? unless u want all the intoxication which comes with hatred and negative feeling to build up in your body and soul...Forgiveness is the key to spirituality... key to moksha... key to ur happy life and longevity...Forgive n forget the ill deeds... and u'll see how the world changes around you...
"Seva - an expression of one's inner love. In Seva there is no 'I'.". . . SRI SRI...
Look into the Vastness
Our head is stuck inside a drum, and we think that is the sky. It is so little, our universe. Take your head; lift up---look into that vastness of the creation.
Totally Responsible
Your worries, your feelings, your thoughts arise in your mind. You are totally responsible for all your feelings--how you feel, what you think, what you do--all that. You are responsible.
"Misunderstandings happen because of distance, because there is no closeness- no one sit "next to" the other". . . SRI SRI...
Superficial Trust
Our trust is very superficial. It's just a covering for our fears. We are afraid and we don't want to feel that way, so we force the trust on us. We think we have trusted, and when the time comes it falls apart
"Hard work means dynamic work...don't just work hard; work intelligently, at the same time put in your 100%". . . SRI SRI...
This One Thing
If trust, this one thing, happens in us, our life will completely be transformed. It'll be very, very different. You won't sit and worry---what will happen to you, what about tomorrow---this will not happen. You'll smile through life.
"Meditation is not going somewhere; it's diving deep inside...this moment". . . SRI SRI...
The nature of joy is to share, to expand, to stretch.
"A smile which nobody can steal is success ". . . SRI SRI.
When We Sing
In every little mind, different, different thoughts come; and different, different moods are there. But, when we sing, what happens? All the minds have the same rythym, the same song, same waves, same frequency, and there is so much more joy.
Let Me Share
Attaining the highest, one never feels, "Oh, I have attained, let me sit back." No, the very nature of the highest joy is to share, is to bring it to everyone.
"Bhakti (devotion, surrender) itself,is not a Practice, it is the result, it is the fruit of the practice". . . SRI SRI...
Feel the Presence
In the presence of one who is so quiet, you can feel a Presence. It's not an intellectual something, but in an experiential way you feel a Presence. It's very subtle.
Emotions and Sensations
Every mood of mind, every wave of emotion in us, has a corresponding rhythym in the breath. And this rythym in the breath has a corresponding sensation in different parts of the body. They're all linked. And when we look at them, observe them, then life becomes more integrated.
This Drama
What is it you are hanging on to? How long will you continue this play, this drama? What is happening? Hmm?
"A Master cannot give to you unless you want it". . . SRI SRI...
The divine does not care how you are outside. It only looks to your inside. Never let any tiny bit of dislike or craving house in your heart.
Past or Future
Observe your mind---it's either in the past or in the future. Do you see that? We regret the past and are anxious about the future.
"More will be given to you only if you utilise Properly what you already have! This is a law in nature". . . SRI SRI...
When You Let Go
Regret piles up and piles up and it becomes so big---and you blow up. Do you see this happening to you? When you let go, your mind can be in the present moment, more and more and more and more. You are able to smile and laugh from the depth of your heart. Life becomes more light and easy.
You are the goal. You are the past, present and future.
"Remember those wonderful moments you have had. Sit and be with them. In that very memory your entire being gets back to that state". . . SRI SRI...
When something wrong happens, we either blame ourselves or blame somebody else. We don't just take things as they are; we want to find out a reason, and label it, and put the blame on somebody else. Or, on ourselves.
"Sadhana satsang and the company of GURU can bring such a lasting impression, which would erase all the unwanted impressions". . . SRI SRI...
Compassion or Forgiveness
Compassion is better than forgiveness. The very word "forgiveness" implies that there is an intention in somebody's mistake. Somebody is bad so you are going to "forgive" them. Peep into their heart. Go beyond their words, beyond their behavior---you will see, they need compassion, they need help.
Don't See Intention
Do not see intention behind somebody else's mistakes.
"Do not brand anyone as negative and have compassion for his or her ignorance. Your prayers to change them will help them and you". . . SRI SRI...
Breath is the Link
Breath is the link between your body and your spirit and your mind.
"When you see this whole flow of events as temporary, as non-existent, then, even when someone scolds at you, you smile ". . . SRI SRI...
When there is a wound deep inside a person, he will try to share that with other people. What else can he do? You just recognize: "Oh, he needs compassion." Compassion is the only medicine. Unconditional love is the only treatment.
"Open your Eyes...You think you are in control of a situation? What are you in control of? Everything is happening...God is all there is.". . . SRI SRI...
know urself
There's a lot of fear connected with the inner journey because it penetrates our illusions. Taking the inner journey will lead you into some very shadowy places. You're going to learn things about yourself that you'll wish you didn't know. There are monsters in there—monsters you can't control—but trying to keep them hidden will only give them greater power..
Conditional Love
We try to hold on to people. Even when we love, we love with a condition: "See, I love you, so in return you must love me."
"Ego wants something which is very difficult. It doesn't recognise the simplicity in life. Ego is very complicated.". . . SRI SRI...
You doubt in the positivity of people, in the goodness of people. You don't doubt in the negativity, or badness, in the people. Do you? Have you ever doubted in somebody's anger toward you? Have you ever said, "Is she really angry at me? I don't believe it." But if someone says, "I love you," you say, "Really? Sure? Truly? Then prove it to me!"
More Doubt
Just examine, what do you doubt? You doubt always in something good---whether it is in you or in someone else. When you are depressed, you never doubt your depression, but when you are happy you doubt: "Am I really happy? Is this really what I want?" And then you say, "I'm not sure..."
"Weigh your words before you speak them out. They are pearls of your life; don't lose them for nothing.". . . SRI SRI...
Being Natural
When you are natural, when you don't pretend, then you are very close to the Divine.
"Feel the plenitude, feel that there is plenty. The Divine has provided you a lot and HE will provide you much more. Why be tense about that .". . . SRI SRI...