Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Memories Are Made of That

Memory of one's Being, memory of the Self, memory of freedom, memory of devotion, memory of surrender, memory of love, memory of joy brings back you to your Self

Perfection in Nature

There is perfection in Nature. You only have to look through a different eye.

Everything is Just a Thought

Wake up and realize this is all made up of thoughts, just thoughts, just thoughts. Your appreciation of beauty is a thought, your aversion to an object that is ugly is a thought. Your craving or aversion is nothing but a passing thought in the mind. Realize this is just a thought and you will be free.


Prayer means not just sitting and saying so many words, but being in that serene, calm space, meditative state.

No Proof

The existence of God is impossible to prove---it is beyond proof.

Divinity And Beauty

There is no Divinity without beauty; there simply cannot [be]. Divinity is nothing but energy, divine energy, and [the] expression of beauty.

Linking Enthusiasm to Things

When you link your enthusiasm to any thing, then when the object of enthusiasm changes or moves, your enthusiasm also dies. Do you see this?

A Place for Everyone

There is a place for everyone in the heart of the Divine.

Peaceful Radiation

When you meditate, it sends out such a peaceful radiation, waves of light, and then those who left their body, who have reached the other shore, get benefited from that. It's like a laser beam, laser light, reaching the other side where it is dark.

Abhyasa (spiritual practice)

Coming back to the center, to the Seer, this moment---again and again and again---is abhyasa.

Different degrees of expressions

Beauty has three levels: indication, expression, and exposure. Spirituality indicates, art expresses, and science exposes.


No one ever feels that one is going to die. You know why? Because that is the reality!

The Main Thing

The main thing is to experience that Something that doesn't change, that Something that doesn't die, that Something that doesn't decay in you.

No Answers

In questions, you are looking for an answer. In wonder, there is no answer.

Fleeting Thoughts

Many times, about what you want you are not clear, because you have never looked into yourself. You are swayed away by fleeting thoughts and fleeting emotions, fleeting desires.

Space for Attraction

Give some space for attraction. When attraction dies out, you will feel love has also died. A space is needed for attraction. And that attraction matures and becomes love; and the love matures and becomes devotion.

Life and Death

Knowledge of death will improve the quality of your life.

Tragic Cycle

When you see the beauty somewhere, when you fall in love with something, the next impulse that comes in you is to possess it, have it; and, when you have it, it looses all its significance.


Oh Lord, this whole universe is Yours. This body is Yours. This mind is Yours. The mind with all its conflict is also Yours. The mind with all its beauty is Yours---this offering itself is a technique that brings you back home.

Look at what you have.

Just look at what you have. Focus on it---because where you put your energy that increases in life.

Become Free

Offering all the negativity, you become free. Offering all the positive virtues you think you possess, you become free.

Finite and Infinite

The human nervous system is so designed that it can exhibit the totality of consciousness. Living in a finite body and expressing infinity is the possibility of human life.

Keeping Up Apperances

Look into the motives behind your actions. Often you don't go for things you really want. You go to things because others would want you to or because of what others would say, think, or do about it.

Feeling Free

If you feel you are free, you are free. If you feel you are bound, you are bound.

The Power of Memories

Once you have had a very peaceful, beautiful state of mind, the very memory of it again will again make you relive that

Surrender Brings Peace

The moment there is surrender there is peace---that very second there is peace.


The sign of life is enthusiasm. The sign of success is smile and joy.

Real freedom

Real freedom is the freedom from the future and freedom from the past.


Oh Lord,

this whole universe is Yours. This body is Yours. This mind is
Yours. The mind with all its conflict is also Yours. The mind with all
its beauty is Yours---this offering itself is a technique that brings
you back home. . .SRI SRI

Limited Senses and Unlimited Desire

Actually, the real craving of the mind, of the being, is for Divine Love, for unlimited joy. Every soul is craving for unlimited joy, joy which has no boundaries, but senses cannot provide them with what they are searching for through the senses. The capacity to enjoy for our senses is limited. But the desire is unlimited.

Filled with Honey

Like a honeycomb is all filled with honey, the body -- -all the holes in the body are filled with mind, or consciousness. And the nature of that is joy is Love.

Where is Heaven

How far to heaven? Just open your eyes and look. You are in heaven.

Joy and Craving

Something gives you great joy, then the craving for the great joy doesn't allow you to rest peacefully.

Divine Love

Divine Love is greater than any action or any seva.

Keep your mind Free

If you do good for people, you are doing it out of your nature. Forget
about how they behave, what their reaction towards you is. It's up to
them. Let them carry their cross. Keep your mind free. . .

Not the Body

The life of a fish is in the water, not in the body.

Wash Your Mind

You clean your windows, you clean your tables, you wash your clothes, but you forget to wash this mind.

Love and Faith

Love transcends logic. Love depends on faith. You cannot say, "I have a lot of love,
but I have no faith." It is impossible. Love carries along with it, faith. And Divine Love carries infinite faith.


It is the involvement in the 'seeing' -- the getting lost in the scenes outside -- that is the cause for bondage. Not getting lost, the mind is free.

Being Against Others

If you are against someone, you have no freedom from them. If you find fault in someone, and your mind is set against them, know that you are stuck with them, glued with them! Super glue!

Peaceful Radiation

When you meditate, it sends out such a peaceful radiation, waves of
light, and then those who left their body, who have reached the other
shore, get benefited from that. It's like a laser beam, laser light,
reaching the other side where it is dark. . .SRI SRI

Purpose of Words

The purpose of words, all the words we use, the talking we do, is to create silence and love in our hearts

Sri Sri


When the "I, I, my, mine" is not there---is dissolved---that is liberation.

Bubbling Enthusiasm

Just be. Just enthusiasm. When you do an action without a "vasuna," without a latent impression of "I, mine," then you become the embodiment of bubbling enthusiasm. Like small children, three or four month old kids, have you seen them? Very enthusiastic. That enthusiasm is coming out of every cell of the body.

Our very nature

Enlightenment is not an achievement. Rather, getting rid of ignorance
is an achievement, getting rid of all the stresses and tension. Because
our very nature is enlightenment. That's why "human" and "Divine" are
not two things. "Human" is the outer skin and "Divine" is the
inside. . . Sri Sri

The Other Shore

When you recognize the Divinity in the world, then there is nothing that can take the peace or love from you. You have crossed to the other shore.

Can't Be Measured

The Existence cannot be measured through your little, small, tiny intellect.

A Master

If a Master is not hollow and empty, he is no Master at all.

Precious Secrets

All that is precious in life is a secret. Love is a secret. Life is a secret. The world is a secret. You feelings, emotions are a secret. You are the biggest secret.

Little and Big

Within this small body, you are able to experience the infinite space.

Stuck on a Viewpoint

Your bondage is when you have a certain viewpoint and you are stuck with that viewpoint. You have certain ideas, certain concepts how things should be and not always does it coincide with the creation, how things happen. Then you are stuck, you are cooking now, wrestling inside: "What should I do? This is not right! This is not right!"

The Technique for Depression

There is a technique to get depressed -- you want to know? Just sit and think only about yourself: "What about me? What about me?" I tell you, you will get thoroughly depressed.

Your Mind

Your mind is a flow. Your mind is a continuum that is ever changing, ever changing.

Sadhana - Spiritual practices

PEACE is your nature, yet you remain restless.
FREEDOM is your nature, yet you remain in bondage.
HAPPINESS is your nature, yet you become miserable for some reason or other
CONTENTMENT is your nature, yet you continue to reel in desires.
BENEVOLENCE is your nature, yet you do not reach out.
moving towards your nature is sadhana.
Sadhana is becoming what you truly are!
Your true nature is Shiva
And Shiva is peace, infinity, beauty and the non-dual One.
Ratri means "to take refuge" Shivaratri is taking refuge in Shiva.

Committed to Truth

A person who is committed to truth---who is committed to what is, this presence of Being---for him success comes easily, follows. Not that he will not encounter failures. He may encounter failures, but he will again act.


Action comes out of conscious decision. Reaction comes out of impulsiveness. Impulsiveness creates a chain of karma.
Through knowledge and devotion, transcend all karma and be free.


This feverishness of fame, of pride, of social recognition is immaturity. Just wake up and see there is nothing much in it. It�s an empty bowl.

Is there any end to desires?

All these different desires for experiences, for living, for knowing -- they arise and they get fulfilled and they move. Is there anybody who has not fulfilled any desire? Or is there anybody who has fulfilled all the desires? Is there any end for it?

Be Aware

Be joyful, and at the same time, be totally aware.

Drop it!

Be light. Smile. Drop. Learn the tendency to drop and smile and move through.

The Company One Keeps

That you are not a computer. But we have been given the understanding that
being emotional is not good, that it is not normal.

Be Passionate for the Highest

If you are passionate, be passionate for the highest, the most wonderful, the most beautiful. Be passionate for this entire creation-everything is so beautiful.

As long as there is ego, there is no divine love; and when there is Divine Love, the ego � there is no sign of it.

Feverishness for Recognition

This feverishness of fame, of pride, of social recognition is immaturity. Just wake up and see there is nothing much in it. It's an empty bowl

Hollow and Empty

Creation is all anxious to fulfill your desire when you become hollow and empty.

Nature Knows Best

See how many desires you have had, and how many desires were not fulfilled, and how many desires you feel that way: when it was not fulfilled, it was good, "It was best for me." Don't you see this? Some desires which were not fulfilled, it was good for you. So, Nature knows what is best for you

Feverishness and Creativity

When feverishness clogs your head, your mind is not clear; a poetry cannot dawn on that. If there is feverishness, any creative thought will not come.

Contentment and Perfection

Be contented with what you have, and you will see: perfection comes in you, sidhi comes in you. If you hanker for sidhi and hanker, hanker, hanker---sidhi does not come. You think you will get satisfied when you have sidhi, but it's the other way around. When you are satisfied, you'll get sidhi.

When Doubts Arise

When doubts arise in you: fast, meditate, do pranayam, and do prayers, and see whether the doubt will remain.

Faith and Doing

Do anything---if there is no shradhaa (faith), nothing is going to benefit you. And if you do nothing and there is shradhaa, that itself becomes saadhana for you, becomes a practice.

Getting Stuck

For a few moments in our life, we become intense, we become 100%. Our mind, consciousness, becomes like one integrated glow. And these moments are very precious things.

Desire Makes You Weak

Our energy is getting dissipated in the form of fears and desires, fears and desires. And it is the desire that makes you weak.

Unlimited Joy

This is quite natural: your mind is not satisfied with limited joy. It wants unlimited joy. The desire of every mind is to go to the source where it is unlimited joy.

Feverishness Blocks Love

Desire is that feverishness which blocks the mind. As long as there is feverishness, there is no Love.

Hankering Postpones Perfection

Our hankering is always for what we don't have, and there will be always something that we do not have. So your hankering continues on, and postpones your perfection.

Desire is Unawareness

Desire means the present is not sufficient enough; it is not okay the way it is now, this moment. Desire means projection to the next moment. Desire simply means being unaware of the Infinity. Desire simply means you don’t know yourself.

Desire is a Product of Sleep

Every desire arises from the sleeping state. Desire is a product of sleep, unconsciousness. Just sleep itself cannot produce desire, but something along with sleep. A spark of beauty, just a spark of beauty in the unconsciousness, creates desire.

Precious Secrets

All that is precious in life is a secret. Love is a secret. Life is a secret. The world is a secret. You feelings, emotions are a secret. You are the biggest secret.