The Blessing of Forgetfulness
"When you remember, then you are not in the moment; when you have forgotten,
then you are in the moment. So be forgetful. Thats's a blessing"
“You have lot of Love. If you don't add a presevative- which is dedication, then the love will go stale and become fear.” SRI SRI..
Observe the tendencies taht come up in you... and do not think you 'are' those tendencies.
“Behind anger is a desire. It's a desire that is the cause of anger. Unless you root out the desire, you can never be devoid of anger.” SRI SRI...
“A true leader is alert, and when challenges come, he is not distrubed.” SRI SRI..
Many problems have come, many problems have been solved, and each problem has enriched life by bringing forth some strength in you.
Love becomes devotion through dedication. Love dies if there is no dedication.” SRI SRI...
The best 'pooja' - the best form of worship - is to be happy, is to be grateful.
“Be happy! this is an order as well as a blessing. You can be happy right now, wherever you are & you can still do all that you want to do.” SRI SRI...
Life is Infinite
Life is infinite. Though life is in every moment, it is also infinite. Your life has been here since thousands of years - for centuries - and your life will continue to be here for centuries.
No activity can happen in this world without the element of faith. The entire world works on faith.” SRI SRI...
Sometimes on a dark night, if there is lightening, then for a second, you see the whole town. Everything becomes visible, even though its's just for a few moments. Like that, surrender happens in deep meditation.
"Your true nature is Shiva. And Shiva is peace, infinity, beauty and the non-dual One. Ratri means "to take refuge." Shivaratri is taking refuge in Shiva"
A state in which you feel absolutely comfortable, a state in which there is 100% comfort - that is meditation
“SHIVA prevades the entire universe.He is in every atom of the universe.He has no form but is in every form, our bodies are in SHIVA tatwa” SRI SRI...
That feverishness to achieve, what you want, is ALL painful. When you have it, the fear of losing it is painful. When its gone, the memory of its joy is painful. So the whole thing is all pain!!
“You are total, you are full. You are like the pure cystal- Niranjanah, untouched, unstained by anything. Dont underestimate yourself.” SRI SRI...
“Faith in yourself brings freedom. Faith in the world brings you peace of mind. Faith in God evokes love in you.” SRI SRI...
Dropping the craving or the aversion in the mind, towards any particular sense object, strengthens the mind - and only a strong mind can ever experience Divine Love
" When the bud breaks, it becomes a flower. When the heart breaks, the love becomes divine. "
“When you can relate to yourself one hundred percent, then any face you look at, there is love, there is charm, there is beauty.” SRI SRI...
If you are loving
"If you are loving, then you are welcomed everywhere in the world. If you can feel and be one with people anywhere you go, then people are ready to do anything for you."
“When you can relate to yourself one hundred percent, then any face you look at, there is love, there is charm, there is beauty.” SRI SRI...
"Limited attraction, small attractions here and there---smell, touch, taste, sight---these are called the "vasunas." The five senses draw you into small, limited awareness, and not only just enjoying that, but you get entangled in the mind, thinking about it all the time."
Feel Oneness
When you feel so much oneness with the Master that you don’t feel, “The Master is separate, I am separate; the Divine is separate, I am separate,” that is Divine Love.
“Loyalty means believing in the continuity of commitment. Responsibility, dedication & commitment are the limbs of loyalty.” SRI SRI...
See the Divine
By your ignorance you see the world, you see the divisions. By your knowledge, you see the Divine. It's in the seeing. Tilt this way -- you see Divine; tilt that way -- you see everything frustrating, everything rubbish, everybody cruel, everything hopeless, and all that
Have you ever been proud of Love? be proud of Love that Nature is giving to you, the Divine is giving to you, people are giving to you.” SRI SRI...
Love vs. Cravings
When you tell somebody you love them, make sure you are not saying it out of your "vasanas," your own cravings, your own impressions, your own craving for some joy.
“Why are you sad? Why are you sorrowful? Its because of your carving, you are holding on to the past- a memory of carving from the past creates sadness now .” SRI SRI
Love vs. Cravings
True love will not bring sadness, sorrow, misery, problems. But with vasanas (cravings) a tail is always attached---pain, problems, misery, discomfort.
“Joy is love for what is, Sorrow is love for what is not. The very nature of hightest joy is to share, its to bring it to everybody .” SRI SRI...
Expand Your World
Expand your world and your vasanas (cravings) will drop away. The world is so big! Be open to new experiences.
“Respect all religion. When you say this religion is not good, you don't see the greatness in that religion.” SRI SRI...
Dropping past impressions.
When you drop the vasanas, when you drop all these past impressions from the mind, then you become free---right now!
“Eat food not in hurry, not with violence, but with a sense of offering.” SRI SRI...
Just Observe
Just observe the nature---how big this world is, how big the universe is. Nothing is permanent here.
“When you say "AUM" the prana is total, it is complete. AUM is the nearest sound which can be used to address the totality of consciousness.” SRI SRI...
The Being is immortal, the Consciousness is immortal, the Guru is immortal, the rishi, maharishi, is immortal. And so also, you are immortal and eternal.
“ When you praise some one, you take on their good karma. When you blame some one, you take on their bad karma. Know this surrender both good & bad karma to the Divine and be free” SRI SRI...
You can experience love, but you cannot describe it or express it totally.
“Do not follow me. In fact, you can't follow me, because I am behind you. I am behind you to Push you forward” SRI SRI...
Like Attracts Like
"In the realm of mind, like attracts like. If the soul is peaceful, then it attracts peaceful environment and people around it."
“When we are Joyful, we do not look for perfection. when you are looking for perfection then you are not at the source of joy” SRI SRI...
Tendency to Merge
In this entire creation there is a tendency to become one, to get back to one, because the two is painful. From two, to go to one is the purpose of creation. Everything wants to merge into something. What is that? We call it Love.
"Nature loves to give you surprises. God loves fun. He always gives you surprises---sometimes pleasant, sometimes unpleasant. And you grow by unpleasant as well as by pleasant. In fact you grow much more by unpleasant surprises than the pleasant ones..."
Like Attracts Like
In the realm of mind, like attracts like. If the soul is peaceful, then it attracts peaceful environment and people around it.
“Spiritual life marked by effective & dynamic acivity. It is not an escape from hard work or taking from sincere action.” SRI SRI...
The Big Irony
This is ironic, it's a big irony: that freedom and surrender---they go hand in hand.
Surrender and Freedom
There is no freedom at all without surrender, and when I surrender I get infinite freedom. The greater my surrender is, the greater my freedom, that much the load is taken off of me.
“Whatever role you play in life, give yourself fully to it. Harmony in diversity makes life vibrant, joyful and more colourful.” SRI SRI...
Power of Surrender
The greatest power is in surrender---surrender to the Divine.
Celelbration is the nature of spirit & must be spiritual. Celebration without spirituallity has no depth. Silence gives depth to celebration.” SRI SRI...
What Can You Lose?
I tell you, you have no power to lose. What can a drop lose by getting into the ocean? It's an illusion that it is big. A drop thinks "I am great! I am so big---will I vanish?" You will vanish if you don't unite with the ocean.
"That pleasure which comes after a certain discipline, is really satvic pleasure, long lasting pleasure. That pleasure which is pleasurable to begin with but ends in misery, is no pleasure at all" Sri Sri
Worry vs. Freedom
You have nothing to lose. All that you can lose is your tension and your worry, your little-mindedness, fear, and anxiety. And fear and anxiety, tension and worry in the small, little mind will keep the mind from being free, will keep the mind from experiencing its infinite potential, will keep the mind from becoming more powerful on this planet.
Surrender Brings Peace
The moment there is surrender there is peace---that very second there is peace.
"Proof" is one of the main things in the world that you are stuck on to---you want proof of everything.Whether someone loves you or not, you want a proof about it.
Sri Sri
Resitance is Futile!
The more you resist thoughts, the more they bombard your mind.
“Take life as it comes. Sometimes you are upset or anger; its ok to be upset or anger. Life does not stop for anything; just moves on. So, just move with the flow .” SRI SRI...
"Many desire fame, but little do they know that they are looking for a cage." Sri Sri
The Sign of Unity
Sign of uniting, or sign of yoga, is coming to your self, your mind settling into your being, your source, with your original nature.
“Love, joy, bliss, compassion, beauty and enthusiasm - all make up the spirit. Enlivening these is spirituality.” SRI SRI...
"When you are tired, small little things can irritate you, push your button, can throw you off balance. Our peace is so fragile that anything, even a phone call, can blow it off. Our peace will be in hundred pieces - just a few words from someone. Fragile peace is of no use. The peace and love in our life should be so solid, like a diamond. Nothing should shake or move it. " Sri Sri
One With Cosmic Life
When thoughts are constrained and your mind has settled down peacefully in that meditative state, you have become one with the Divine. You are no more your small, little individual self, but you are one with the cosmic life, cosmic Being, one with God.