Friday, October 23, 2009

The Formless
The formless is ruling your life. The formless is ruling the world. And there is a greater formlessness that is ruling the entire creation. And you are the center of that greater formlessness, whatever you call it---God, Consciousness, No-Mind, Nirvana, Spirit, anything you call it by name.

Sorrow needs to be lived through and gotten rid of. It should not be suppressed.

Love and Hate
Love cannot tolerate distance, and hatred cannot tolerate nearness.

Meditation and Death
Meditation is very similar to this experience of void. In meditation you realize you are not just the body, but you are more than the body. That annihilates the fear of death.

God Loves Fun
Nature loves to give you surprises. God loves fun. He always gives you surprises---sometimes pleasant, sometimes unpleasant. And you grow by unpleasant as well as by pleasant. In fact you grow much more by unpleasant surprises than the pleasant ones.

Observe, Don't Identify
Observe the tendencies that come up in you, and do not think you *are* those tendencies.

The Way Out of Ignorance
The way to come out of ignorance is a definite understanding, a definite knowledge in the mind, that my body is undergoing change all the time, the world is undergoing change all the time, the entire universe is in a state of fluidity and it is all full of change and it is going on on its own, according to its nature.

Knowledge about Self
This body is all hollow and empty, and every particle in this body is changing, and changing, and see this definite knowledge, that I am not the body, I am the Self, I am the space, I am the Imperishable, untouched, untainted by the "prakriti," by this world around me.

A Point In Us
There is a point in us that will remain ever pure, total joy, and bliss---bliss that can never be taken away from us.

The very purpose for being in this body, for every one of us, is to live and rejoice in that virgin area, that untouched, pure and ever green, blissful area of our Self.

Intense Joy
When we get in touch with the source of life, then all of other tensions, worries which have been clouding this manifestation, fall off and we can sing, dance, and be happy. Life can become very intense, intense in the sense of being joyful.

What do you Want in Life?
What is it that one wants in life? It is joy, is love. And that is one's very nature.