Tuesday, July 21, 2009

When you sit for meditation, are your eyes steady? Is your breath steady? Is the prana haphazard? Is it going smooth and steady or going haphazard? When the senses are steady, the soul also becomes peaceful. Your Being, your spirit inside you, becomes steady.

Signs of Celebration
Everything in this creation is a sign of celebration.

Looking for the Unseen
A hand unseen is behind this creation, and every pair of eyes is looking for that hand, which is not seen. Wherever one looks, one is looking for that hand which is behind and unseen.

Purpose of a Flower
If a flower does not remind you of the eternal Truth, then it has not fulfilled its purpose.

If you don't see Him
If you don't see Him in the laughter of a child, then you have never heard the laughter of a child. If you have never seen Him in the twinkle of an eye, in the wink of an eye of a youth, you have never observed the real beauty.

Guilt and Forgiveness
If you make someone feel guilty about their mistake, then you have not forgiven them. That guilt itself is a punishment

Real Forgiveness
Your forgiveness should be such that the person who is being forgiven does not even know that you are forgiving them. They don't even feel guilty of a mistake. That is the right type of forgiveness.

A Wall of Pride
If you want to grow in Divine Love, you have got to drop the pride and all of the artificial wall we build between ourselves and others. In the "wall" we keep judging others, and we think others are judging us.

Though you exist with a body, in the state of samadhi you are not there at all. In other words you can say, live as though you don't exist--this is samadhi.