Saturday, May 2, 2009

Joy / Not Joy
This is what we see in the world today: everyone is moving towards joy, but people are not joyful. They are the opposite---miserable. Because they are clinging on to the sense objects rather than the source of joy.

Stuck in the Wrappings
The world is a beautiful package, the world is not bad. It's a wrapping paper to you. A beautiful gift is given to you with a very wonderful wrapping paper around it. But if you are stuck with the wrapping paper, the package of the gift, you will not even open it, you will not see the gift that has been given inside the package to you. This is what most people do.

Holding On
If you are holding on to stones in your hands, your hands will not be free to take the diamonds and gold.

Drop the rock!
You have to drop the rock in order to pluck the flowers.

No End to it
There is no end to moving from scene to scene, from person to person, from thing to thing---whole life could be spent doing that. You can spend a whole life. But if you think joy is there, then uniting cannot happen, then you cannot bring all the strings of your Self together.

Limited Senses
Our senses have a limited capacity to enjoy, but the desire in the mind to enjoy is infinite. This is where opposition begins: the mind wants to enjoy, but your body is too tired to enjoy.

Unlimited Joy
This is quite natural: your mind is not satisfied with limited joy. It wants unlimited joy. The desire of every mind is to go to the source where it is unlimited joy.