Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Beyond Birth And Death
There is something in you that is beyond death. And that is before birth, also.

No one ever feels that one is going to die. You know why? Because that is the reality!

You are not going to die
You pity someone who has died, because you have the feeling that you are not going to die. And this is true. Something deep in you never dies. That's why you never feel that you have aged or you are going to die.

"I am old getting old, I am going to die" ---
Though you may feel, " I am going to die....I am old getting old," --- this is superficial. Deep down inside you, you know for sure you are not

Thou Art Supreme
That which is unmoved, like the ocean without waves, that which is free and pure, that which exists in the three periods of time---the past, present, and future---that supreme art Thou. Meditate on this and realize, right now.